- WordPress and YUI CAN Talk to Each Other
Post by wpyui on December 13, 2021 Views: 10
After sometime, I have found out that actually Yahoo User Interface (YUI) Library does talk to WordPress.com but it is commonly not utilized by its users.
I have not yet got anything useful for my websites, but it has become my passion, exploring more possibilities of YUI talking to WP.com.
I have been developing various WordPress themes and plugins in order that bloggers can use my themes in their blogs.
The driving aspect of my work is the elegant display of the YUI CSS Styles: both YUI CSS Grids, YUI Container, YUI Tabview and YUI Accordion. Besides, YUI Javascripts library also very good to use, as everything is well-structured. I just need to know how to call each file/ library from WordPress plugins or themes.
Finally, I have come up with at least 6 varieties of WP Themes, two WP Plugins.
¶ Uncategorized (8), and modified on December 20th, 2021.  ¶ post | , and modified on December 20th, 2021. Length: [160] words.
Post by wpyui on November 17, 2016 Views: 14
WPYUI Singular Page
WPYUI represents WordPress.com and YUI, as we know is short for Yahoo! User Interface Library, plus Hybrid Theme is the rock-solid, and I would say most comprehensive, and user-friendly WordPreses theme developed by Justin Tadlock.
After working for years, from knowing nothing about .php, .html and wordpress.com, I am now able to see how it works, and I can work around it, in order to display my wordpress blogs in an elegant and multiple display formats.
I hope Justin Tadlock will see this and will give comment or suggestion on what I am doing.
The theme is almost 3MB, and it calls YUI and hybrid theme locally, insude the theme folder. I have developed other child themes that call YUI externally, but only this year, I can now see how to call YUI locally.
I have other child themes, that I call Hybrid-Child that I developed from Hybrid News Child Theme developed by Justin here. It also calls YUI locally, but I use JQuery for the tabs. Whereas this theme uses YUI Tabview for the tabs.
I also learned a lot from YUI Bubbling Library developed by Caridy for the Yahoo Effects on mouse over etc.
Well, for me, this development is encouraging. I am now thinking of offering this theme to the public.
¶ Blogging (1)  ¶ post | Length: [320] words.
- Ternyata WordPress dapat dengan Mudah Bicara dengan Yahoo! UI
Post by wpyui on November 02, 2016 Views: 16
Sudah beberapa tahun saya terjun ke dalam dunia Tema WordPress.com, khususnya setelah ditugaskan oleh KSU Baliem Arabica untuk mengepalai Unit Marketing dan Sales koperasi. Saya terpaksa harus terjun dan tabrak kiri-kanan.
Setelah beberapa waktu mencoba dengan Toko Online menggunakan domain papuamart.com sampai dengan saat ini saya belum sanggup membuat tema yang memanfaatkan Yahoo! UI CSS, akan tetapi saya malahan terjun bebas ke dua dunia yang berbeda, yaitu pertama menggunakan fasilitas dan tema yang tersedia untuk mengembangkan Toko Online PAPUAmart.com, dan kedua saya semain tertarik secara [pribadi dengan elegance-nya tampilan YUI CSS dan YUI SKIN.
Selain tampilan yang elegan, kelihatan struktur kodenya dan cara implementasinya juga sangat rapih.
Walaupun begitu, saya harus menyesal karena belum lama ini Yahoo! sendiri sudah berhenti mengupdate User Interface Library0nya sehingga versi Yahoo! UI hanya sampai 3.1.5 atau sekian. Tidak menuju ke 4.0 lagi, sudah mati sampai di situ.
Walaupun begitu saya tetap mempertahankan implementasi Yahoo! UI CSS, Yahoo! CSS Grids dan Yahoo! Skin.
Setelah hampir 3 tahun ini saya sudah temukan dari trial and error, bagaimana caranya mengajak WordPress.com untuk berbicara dengan Yahoo! User Interface Library.
Di google.com ada sedikit sekali, tidak lebih dari lima tema yang sudah menggunakan Yahoo! UI, tetapi saya bisa mengkleim sekarang di sini bahwa apa yang kita modifikasi ini merupakan yang terlengkap dan paling rampung, walaupun memang masih jauh dari sempurna.
Saya berdoa, agar kiranya banyak orang mau bekerjasama, dan terus mengembangkan tema-teman WordPress.om memanfaatkan Yahoo! UI Library.
¶ Uncategorized (8) ‡ Tema WordPress, WorPress YUI CSS (2), wP WP Themes (3), YUI Hacks (8), YUI WordPress  ¶ post | Length: [277] words.
Post by admin on October 16, 2014 Views: 12
I would like to declare that after almost 5 years of working on implementing Yahoo! CSS Grids and Yahoo! Javascripts, I can say that we can implement YUI into our WordPress blog themes, of course, the self-hosted ones.
It is also important to mention that I only understand the concept and rational of the "Rock-Solid Hybrid WordPress theme developed by Justin Tadlock. I must admit that I have tried many times utilizing many other wordpress frameworks, but I must say that Hybrid Theme Framework is the simplest one to understand and very flexible to extend, endless possibility.
Justin developed the following themes based on his "hybrid-core' framework
- Hybrid Theme
- Hybrid Base Theme and
- Stargazer
The first one is the one that I am using as Hybrid Theme for developing many child-themes. Secondly I am also using hybrid-base, but at this point just as testing stage.
¶ Uncategorized (8) ‡ Hybrid WordPress Theme, Justin Tadlock (2), wP WP Themes (3), yui css grids (2), YUI Grids CSS (7), YUI Hacks (8)  ¶ post | Length: [187] words.
Post by admin on August 26, 2014 Views: 20
This is to announce a new development of our wordpress.com theme called Hybrid New YUI that can be downloaded for free and we hope that it will serve its purpose: promote news and information from remote places on the world, through elegant looking blog.
The description of the theme says as follows
A "simple-complex", plus User-Friendly child theme of the Rock-Solid and most comprehensive Hybrid
WordPress parent theme with various breadcrumbs on right heaader and before primary sidebar as well as widgets additions for home. singular and archive pages that can be activated by add_theme_support on theme functions.php, utilising the famous
YUI CSS and Javascript Frameworks for layout and styles with Custom Posts Types
There has been various activities going on in expanding already rock-solid Hybrid Theme Framework developed by the kindness of Justin Tadlock
There is further development going on, both non-YUI and YUI-fied Child Themes.
We are looking into developing a fully YUI-fied WordPress Theme but still on the way.
We hope you enjoy. Thank you.
¶ Uncategorized (8) ‡ wP WP Themes (3), YUI Hacks (8)  ¶ post | Length: [218] words.
Post by melanesianews on December 21, 2013 Views: 20
In developing a WordPress Child Theme of the Hybrid Theme Framework by Justin Tudlock, I found out today that in fact it is not that difficult to include YUI3 Carousel into WordPress.
I just used the following code that was given at http://yuilibrary.com.
1. First I copied this YUI3 Gallery Javascript code. Well this is actually an AlloyYUI script that you can see directly at http://yuilibrary.com here:
//Last Gallery Build of this module
gallery: 'gallery-2010.08.18-17-12',
modules: {
'gallery-aui-skin-base': {
fullpath: 'http://yui.yahooapis.com/gallery-2010.08.18-17-12/build/gallery-aui-skin-base/css/gallery-aui-skin-base-min.css',
type: 'css'
'gallery-aui-skin-classic': {
fullpath: 'http://yui.yahooapis.com/gallery-2010.08.18-17-12/build/gallery-aui-skin-classic/css/gallery-aui-skin-classic-min.css',
type: 'css',
requires: ['gallery-aui-skin-base']
}).use('gallery-aui-carousel', function(Y) {
var component = new Y.Carousel(
intervalTime: 5,
contentBox: '#demonewscontainer',
height: 277
2. Second I then put this .php code into the theme:
hybrid_get_setting( 'feature_category' ), 'showposts' => hybrid_get_setting( 'feature_num_posts' ), 'ignore_sticky_posts' => true );
$feature_query = array( 'post__in' => get_option( 'sticky_posts' ), 'showposts' => hybrid_get_setting( 'feature_num_posts' ) );
etc and so on from "hybrid-news" theme, and finally I can have a YUI3 Carousel displayed WordPress featured posts at my home.php.
There are so many tricks and codes out there, but I am just giving an example that is already working for my WordPress theme.
Please note that did not copy the .php code in full because I do not want to break copyright law, as I do not know the rules yet.
Again, please remember that I am talking about a child theme of Hybrid theme by Justin Tadlock.
I must acknowledge that I am totally new to YUI and WordPress. Totally new means my parents are from the stone-age, still do not read or write, I am the first generation to learn anything an everything, from reading to writing, from modern languages to computers, from php to javascripts. I am leaping from the old stone-aged to postmodern era of communications technology. This YUI and WordPreess project is my own pleasure to dig into it and see what I can get out of it.
Anybody who wants to help me, please email me at: tofreemelanesia@gmail.com
Thank you.
¶ wP WP Themes (6) ‡ WordPress carousel, yui3 (2), YUI3 Carousel  ¶ post | Length: [644] words.
Post by melanesianews on December 21, 2013 Views: 9
For eight months, I had the opportunity to intern with the YUI Team at Yahoo, while I was completing my engineering degree. Today, I’d like to share the top ten things that I learned from my experience with YUI.
A Bit of Background
The YUI Team is primarily responsible for the development and maintenance of the YUI Library. The library is a collection of user-interface components, class management tools, and utilities written in JavaScript and CSS that make it easier for developers to create web applications. Unlike other libraries, YUI is not just about DOM manipulation; it has a rich set of class management tools and a robust event system that makes it easier to develop in JavaScript.
Apart from that, the YUI Team is also responsible for YUI Theater, a very popular resource for web developers, along with a myriad of smaller tools such as YUI Builder, YUI Compressor, YUI Test and more.
Continue reading this Article at net.tutplus.com here
My Comment
I am trying to dig into various possibilities of incorporating some or major elements of YUI into my WordPress themes, in particular by utilizing what I call the “rock-solid” and “most comprehensive” as well as “robust” Hybrid WordPress Theme Framework by Justin Tudlock.
Well, I followed Justin not just now, but since he first released his theme called “Options Theme” which far before all other plugins and hooks were developed.
This particular entry/ article is important for me to follow it up in order to make use the Hybrid Theme and then YUI-fy the theme framework. The outcome of YUI-fying the Hybrid Theme is what I call “My Papua Theme Framework” or “WP WP Framework”. By the way, the Double “WP”s stand for “West Papua WordPress” or “WordPress West Papua”.
¶ Uncategorized (8) ‡ Hybrid (2), Papua WordPress, Papua YUI, West Papua WordPress, West Papua YUI  ¶ post | Length: [331] words.
Post by melanesianews on May 22, 2013 Views: 5
I found this hack is very useful particularly when I was designing my home/ index page display. I wanted my homepage displays news in two, three or four columns. And this hack perfectly fits into this need.
Please go to the source: <http://www.transformationpowertools.com/wordpress/multi-column-wordpress-template>
What you need is just simple php code with simple one line .css style:
There is another similar, but more complex example here: "6 Ways to Display WordPress Post Content in Multiple Columns"
Just have a look and see which one suits you best.
¶ wP WP Themes (6) ‡ Templates (2), wordpress (5), WordPress Hack  ¶ post | Length: [104] words.
Post by melanesianews on December 30, 2012 Views: 8
The description of this theme says it all:
This theme file has the automatic arrangement of color function in specifying the layout customizing function and the reference color by Yahoo User Interface. The color can specify the tradition color and the American tradition color of Japan by the name. An automatic arrangement of color and the layout can be changed to the expression who you further seem by your instruction.
This theme was tagged:
Tags:black, blue, gray, brown, green, orange, pink, purple, red, silver, tan, white, yellow,dark,light,one-column,two-columns,three-columns,four-columns,left-sidebar,right-sidebar ,fixed-width ,flexible-width, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-background, custom-menu, editor-style, theme-options, threaded-comments, sticky-post, translation-ready, post-formats, featured-images
When I tried to implement this theme, it is pretty complicated as it has its own framework that could not help me to adapt it to my favourite "Hybrid" WordPress Theme by Justin Tadlock.
You can access this theme here: http://www.tenman.info/wp3/raindrops/ and here is the author URL: http://www.tenman.info/wp3/
¶ wP WP Themes (6) ‡ GitHub, yahoo! (2), YUI Grids CSS (7), YUI Hacks (8)  ¶ post | Length: [332] words.
Post by melanesianews on November 13, 2012 Views: 24
I just came across with this theme called "Twordder" by John Turner.
In this theme's Tag, Turner says: Twitter inspired theme. Twordder is more of a framework than just a theme. You choose your layout, colors and background image. Features Include: Custom Background, Sidebar, Text, Links,and Sidebar Border Colors, Automatically pull color palettes from ColourLovers.com, Custom Background Image, Custom Logo, Custom Page Width, Left or Right Sidebar, Customize Sidebar Width, Rounded Corners in Firefox, Safari, and iPhone, Drop Down Menu Support, Facebook Connect Support, Threaded Comments, Gravatar Support, Microformats, Sticky-Post Class Support. Widgetized Blog Header, Footer and Page Sidebar. Theme by johndturner.com
In his own website, John says:
Twordder is a Twitter inspired WordPress theme. My current theme is an example. Features Include:
- Custom Background, Sidebar, Text, Links,and Sidebar Border Colors
- Automatically pull color palettes from ColourLovers.com
- Custom Background Image
- Custom Logo
- Custom Page Width
- Left or Right Sidebar
- Customize Sidebar Width
- Rounded Corners in Firefox, Safari, and iPhone
- Drop Down Menu Support
- Facebook Connect Support
- Threaded Comments
- Gravatar Support
- Microformats
- Sticky-Post Class Support
In fact John has moved his website from johndturner.com to http://www.seedprod.com/ Perhaps this is why WordPress says
This theme hasn't been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of
In this http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/twordder, WordPress says:
Twitter inspired theme. Twordder is more of a framework than just a theme. You choose your layout, colors and background image. Features Include: Custom Background, Sidebar, Text, Links,and Sidebar Border Colors, Automatically pull color palettes from ColourLovers.com, Custom Background Image, Custom Logo, Custom Page Width, Left or Right Sidebar, Customize Sidebar Width, Rounded Corners in Firefox, Safari, and iPhone, Drop Down Menu Support, Facebook Connect Support, Threaded Comments, Gravatar Support, Microformats, Sticky-Post Class Support. Widgetized Blog Header, Footer and Page Sidebar. Theme by johndturner.com
¶ wP WP Themes (6) ‡ twitter-based, YUI Grids CSS (7), yui-based  ¶ post | Length: [479] words.