Hello world! Inilah Tema WordPress yang Bicara dengan Yahoo! UI
- Ternyata WordPress dapat dengan Mudah Bicara dengan Yahoo! UISudah beberapa tahun saya terjun ke dalam dunia Tema WordPress.com, khususnya setelah ditugaskan oleh KSU Baliem Arabica untuk mengepalai Unit Marketing dan Sales koperasi. Saya terpaksa harus terjun dan tabrak kiri-kanan. Setelah beberapa waktu mencoba dengan Toko Online menggunakan domain papuamart.com sampai dengan saat ini saya belum sanggup membuat tema yang memanfaatkan Yahoo! UI CSS, […]
Yes, Yahoo! YUI and WordPress can Get Along
I would like to declare that after almost 5 years of working on implementing Yahoo! CSS Grids and Yahoo! Javascripts, I can say that we can implement YUI into our WordPress blog themes, of course, the self-hosted ones. It is also important to mention that I only understand the concept and rational of the “Rock-Solid […]
Hybrid News WoordPress Theme is Now YUI-fied
This is to announce a new development of our wordpress.com theme called Hybrid New YUI that can be downloaded for free and we hope that it will serve its purpose: promote news and information from remote places on the world, through elegant looking blog. The description of the theme says as follows A “simple-complex”, plus […]
YUI Based and Multicoloured “raindrops” WordPress Theme
The description of this theme says it all: This theme file has the automatic arrangement of color function in specifying the layout customizing function and the reference color by Yahoo User Interface. The color can specify the tradition color and the American tradition color of Japan by the name. An automatic arrangement of color and […]
PHP Ease YUI Class Based WordPress Theme
This WordPress theme framework is a custom implementation of our Page class. Tailor made to simplify the process of creating a WordPress theme, while giving you total flexibility and control afterwards. This class will completely separate your page’s content from it’s layout, freeing you from establishing an ugly foundation of inflexible divs. This framework is […]
Build a Simple Ticker in YUI
Kicking off my “Make it with YUI” series, I decided to begin with something classic. Building a “ticker” or a tickertape like element for your site is not too difficult to do without YUI, but if you already have it on your site, or are considering using it for adding more interactivity, you might like […]
YUI3 Example: StumbleUpon List
YUI3 Example: StumbleUpon List. I have used this in my Word Press blogs and it works very well. Using YUI3 YQL Query Utility to display a StumbleUpon user’s recent favorites. View a demo here.
A YUI Grids-based WordPress Theme — YUI Autogrid Minimal
Original Article at YUI Official Blog By Christian Heilmann, July 2nd, 2008. Here what Christian Heilmann says: As I had to upgrade my personal blog to the newest WordPress version (and my old theme had been hacked to death), I chose to start from scratch with a WordPress theme. [You can download the new theme here.] As […]